Welcome to my new hideout

Mixed Message

Okay, not really a hideout. But I’ve been posting things pretty trustingly over at LJ for several years now, and while I don’t give a damn what anybody does with or about my posts, I’ve finally started getting a little nervous about my fiction.

My “friends list” has gotten unnervingly large, and the vast majority of the names on it I don’t even recognize. That’s… scary.

I’m not leaving LJ, and I may continue to post fiction there – short term. But I won’t be leaving any up in the long term. I’ve also started moving my old, existing, fiction to this space, along with fiction I’ve not posted anywhere before. All my old LJ-posted fiction will eventually vanish from there.

This site is not a VigOrli nor an LoTR fanfic site. It will hold some VigOrli fic and some Lord of the Rings fic, but it will also contain original fiction of all kinds. I hope you’ll enjoy some of it (and feel free to let me know your opinions, for good or bad).

Come on in. Take a chance on something different. And if you want to recommend this site to someone… maybe ask first, okay? I don’t like being paranoid, but right now I am.

Hope to see all or at least most of you here, though. And you are very very welcome here.



Filed under fiction, personal

9 responses to “Welcome to my new hideout

  1. BSD


    Hi – thanks for the invite 🙂

    Can’t promise to comment a lot but will check in whenever I can!

  2. Ariel

    I think this is a fabulous idea. I may have to see about doing something similar myself, imitation being the sincerest form of flattery.

  3. Jassy

    Hi there, sweetie. Nice digs! Have bookmarked it to come back later. *hugs*

  4. louisdance

    Hi Rain. It’ s great to be here. Thanks! *kisses*

  5. louisdance

    Hi Rain. It’s great to be here. Thanks!

  6. stormatdusk

    ooo, great place; love what you’ve done with the curtains! here’s a housewarming pressie:


  7. Laurie

    Love the new site and you bet I’ll be here, dude. *grin*

  8. Rain

    Howdy, everbody!!

    So you like my burlap curtains, do ya? Good, good… you’re gonna love the bucket in the bathroom. ;D

    And thanks for the pressie, Stormy. Me likee very much.

  9. stormatdusk

    nudge, nudge, girl. post again and entertain me already! 😉

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